Saturday, August 1, 2009

Beware of the Nay-Sayers!!! (cont.)

As you know, we are still on our quest to find a vehicle for our business. We went to a relatively small truck dealer in Tampa today where we were able to better narrow down what we are looking for. We took a peek into a Ford E-350 cargo van that had an extended top on it. The total height worked for our purposes of standing and moving around the van yet the way the top was attached to the van itself took away from the work space and the possibility of adding shelves for storage.

Anywho, here's the interesting part: When I explained to the salesperson what our intentions are for the truck, specifically mentioning cupcakes, she responded with a perplexed tilt of the head, "You think that'll pay the rent?"

I was almost caught off guard and then responded, "Well, I'm not sure but I'm definitely willing to try." Touché!

My purpose for posting this experience is to let anyone who wants to start a business, change their career, pursue your dream, or basically make your own decision: BEWARE OF THE NAY-SAYERS! Don't allow anyone to take away your joy and burst your bubble. It's your bubble to burst! Any Business or Entrepreneurship 101 course is going to emphasize that every individual has their own level of risk which I caught a brief glimpse of when this woman mentioned that she wanted to open a restaurant and when told that it's more of a headache than beneficial decided not to.

I can't say that this was a bad experience though. When the woman saw my enthusiasm, smile and the way that I speak about our idea she commended me and wished me the best. Maybe I inspired her... Go open your restaurant girl!

Joi @ SFC

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